
FORCA March CEO Forum

페이지 정보

작성자 관리자 작성일17-05-31 18:35 조회260,201회


FORCA CEO Forum was held at Hotel Prima on the 8th of March. As always, FORCA CEO Forum held on March was a successful event which had a number of CEOs at a place to make them have more opportunities to interact each other. The forum began with the keynote speech by Mr. Suh Hong-pyo, the CEO of General Mill Korea representing the Executive Vice President at FORCA. In addition, the audience had a chance to listen to a very constructive lecture titled ‘The 4th Industrial Revolution and The 4th Wave’ by Mr. Lee Guem-ryong. We also had a chance to introduce our sponsoring company, Korea Productivity Center (KPC). The member CEOs having participated at the forum had a great time with a small wine party at the end of the forum. 

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